Saturday, November 14, 2009

Test your knowledge: Which of the following wild herbs is said to be tended by the Devil?

A) Cow Vetch

B) Nightshade

C) Monk's Hood

D) Wood Sorrel

First correct answer gets 10 points.

Test your knowledge: Which of the following wild herbs is said to be tended by the Devil?
Reply:Im going to have to say nightshade but let me check my head here... yeah its nightshade so i guess the guy above me gets the points
Reply:I'm thinking Nightshade.

You left out Man Root!!!


Family: Solanaceae ( Nightshade ) This order of plants contains about 1500 species, sorted under 70 genera. They grow mostly as herbs and shrubs in temperate climates, and are widely distributed. The order includes such plants as the potato, tomato, eggplant, tobacco and other medicinal species.

Common names: Belladonna, deadly nightshade, dwale, devil's herb, love apple, sorcerer's cherry, murderer's berry, dwaleberry, witch's berry, devil's cherry, black cherry, divale, great morel, dwayberry, naughty man's cherries. Once classified as Solanum lethale and Belledonna folia.

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