Friday, November 13, 2009

Can a 15 year old girl legally own a horse?

The reason I'm asking is because of my nephew got this beautiful sorrel and white stud colt and wants to keep it a stallion, but his parents wont let him. If she can't own him, what are some tips for keeping him a stud or finding some ways to change her mind, etc.?

Can a 15 year old girl legally own a horse?
Horse owner I was and have been for years. Yes they can. But now there is a new question-is the horse on his own land--no. Is there a safety feature-yes. Is there an insurance problem for the parents-yes. He can own it but his parents have every right to say no to anything that pertains to their land and safety and cost.
Reply:It is legal to purchase many things prior to the age of 18 perhaps even a horse. However, persons under the age of 18 are not legally recognized as "owners" of real property regardless of whether they paid for it or not. Their parents or legal guardians are recognized by the courts as the "owners" of any real property purchased by them.
Reply:a stallion is not the kind of animal for a young person ,they are very dangerous and need a very strong hand to control them

why do you think everybody gelds their horses

a very experienced horse handler got his hands full with a stallion .

what happens if she goes out riding and the horse jumps over cars (denting them)maybe knocks a by stander over ,to get to a mare he likes or a horse he wants to beat up

is your´re friend insured

keep the stallion in a very secure corral to start of with.

As far as ownership is concerned ,i think a 2 month old baby can own a horse if someone has given it to him

everybody can own a horse ,if they got the place for it

if they should is something else
Reply:If your nephew is a girl then someone is lying to you as this never happens. Girls can be nieces but not nephews.

Anyway He/she should listen to the parents instead of trying to go against them.

They have the responsibility to protect him/her from his/her own ignorance.

If the child doesn't understand the dangers of keeping a horse he/she shouldn't have one.
Reply:No you cant own anything legally until you are 18. The parents are in charge.
Reply:I think it is fine but check with the court house.

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